Saturday, March 31, 2012

Finance And Business | Tips on how to perform a credit card ...

Learning more about credit card comparison is a topic all consumers can benefit from. This is important for not only for those who are seeking a new line of credit but also for those who are seeking to re-establish or repair old credit problems. The problem, of course, is how does one go about getting the information needed for an intelligent credit card comparison in the first place and what should the consumer look for?

When performing a credit card comparison, it is important to look for the lowest interest rates. These rates will vary from card to card, and, in some cases, can vary a great deal. As one might imagine, it is always in the consumer's best interest to get the lowest interest rate. This will save the consumer money over time. For those who may have less than stellar credit, it is important to avoid those cards that have exceedingly high rates attached to them. Many companies that serve those with low credit scores will charge rates that approach twenty percent!

As you do your credit card comparison, try to figure out the average interest rate for those who are in the same financial situation as you are. This will give you some idea of what to look for and what to avoid. There are online services, such as Credit Card Insider, that can help you get the information that you need to make a wise decision.

It is also important when doing your credit card comparison to try to avoid cards that charge annual fees. If this is not possible, try to find those companies that charge the least amount in these fees. Not all companies will charge an annual fee, however, and these are the ones you should try to work with. Annual fees are sometimes applied to cards that offer special services and, for this reason, may not always be avoidable.

Another good tip when doing your credit card compassion is to look for companies that are offering deals. Some companies will offer great incentives to new customers. If these incentives are worthwhile to you, then consider applying for those cards. Be careful though as many consumers will sign up for deals and then never take advantage of them. If a company offers something of value to you, fine. But if the deal is not of interest to you, look for other offers that do offer something of value to you.

The same applies to those companies that offer promotions or rewards plans. These can benefit many consumers, but only if the rewards are of value to the consumer. Cash back rewards are very popular and benefit virtually everyone who participates in them. Other types of rewards are less broad-based and may not be of much value, depending on the consumer.

As you go about your credit card comparison work, look for those companies that offer the types of rewards, promotions and incentives that are of interest to you. Bypass those that do not. Again, using a site such as Credit Card Insider can make quick work of finding out who is offering what and what they are charging for those services, rewards, etc.

About Author Roland Hurst :

Learn insider tips on how to perform a credit card comparison that can save you money and time.

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Article Added on Friday, March 30, 2012

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Successful Internet & Online Marketing - StandoutUK

A website is the base for any online marketing campaign strategy. It is usually best to have a website professionally constructed, but this can often cost hundreds and sometimes even thousands of dollars. Many small business owners and entrepreneurs choose to create their own websites and many software programs to help you are available for [...]

A website is the base for any online marketing campaign strategy. It is usually best to have a website professionally constructed, but this can often cost hundreds and sometimes even thousands of dollars. Many small business owners and entrepreneurs choose to create their own websites and many software programs to help you are available for free download from various sites. In order for your website to be a successful anchor it will need to work well with search engines like Google and Bing. Search engines use keywords to pick out information. Make the homepage of your website rich in the keywords related to your business or service to optimize it for search engines.

Once your website is optimized for search engines, you will need to provide means of interacting with your customers online. Customers like to know that the owners of websites they visit are active on the site. Post a blog or create discussion forums where customers can ask questions, give reviews, or discuss various products. Make it as easy as possible for customers to contact you with questions. Looking up contact information from a separate page is the slowest way. It is better to have a simple contact form on your homepage.

Online Marketing

Once you have a strong website, consider an affiliate program. Affiliates are like business partners, and the internet makes affiliate marketing easier than ever. With most affiliate programs you offer to reimburse your affiliates every time a customer on their site clicks your ad and is redirected to your site. Prices are highly negotiable, it is usual around ten cents a click, and you will need to consider how much you can afford. Automatic programs take care of tracking clicks for you. The better your affiliate link, the more successful it will be. A picture is strongly recommended, and the best affiliate links are animated. Many web masters maintain their sites through affiliate marketing, and are often willing to trade affiliate links. They will put a link for you, if you also put a link for them.

Email is the most effective means of advertising and communicating online. It is considerably cheaper to conduct and email marketing campaign than a traditional mail campaign. It is very important to narrow down your niche audience and target your campaign. Your biggest hurdle when creating emails and press releases is to get them past your customers spam settings. If possible, make the emails more personal and make sure your email address and name appears personal and professional. Spam blockers will easily weed out email addresses with strange names or formats like joe1234@gmail and so on. If your customer base is especially small or you are just starting to build customers consider sending a personal contact to each one. Emails sent to only a single person are very likely to get through a spam block.

Consider getting outside the web. Yes, it sounds strange, since you are, after all, conducting an internet marketing campaign. If you can translate some of your advertising over to newspapers, magazines, or other printed articles you will reach a wider audience. The trick is to always direct the customer back to your website. Make your web address and online services obvious and keep your print ads short to keep costs as low as possible.

Internet guests are looking for interaction more than anything else. If you host contests and giveaways, customers who would normally bypass your site will be interested. Always be careful to ensure your ?freebies? are worth the effort and that the contest is advertised through your affiliates and email marketing. You will want to ensure you attract more customers than your giveaway costs you.

Online Marketing Campaigns

A great way to increase the personal connection and interaction through your website is to include video or audio blogs. Since your marketing is being done electronically you may rarely see your customers face to face. Posting videos on your website is a great way to make up for this lack.

Flexibility is the greatest advantage to an internet marketing strategy. You will be tracking your results in real time by monitoring how many customers are visiting your site and where within your site they are going. Every individual page of your site can be monitored for customer traffic and every single link can record how often it is clicked on?in real time. This allows you to change things quickly, easily, and cheaply. If you find a link isn?t working or customers aren?t being directed to a page they way you would like, simply change it. So long as you own and control your website yourself, it should cost you next to nothing to make these kinds of changes. That is much better than print advertising where you are stuck with your article or ad as is once it is printed.

Create an online newsletter or other automatic form of communication to use as your customer base grows. Customers will need constant reminders that your site or services are changing or growing. When a new customer visits your site, design a feature, such as a splash page, that encourages them to sing up for your weekly or monthly newsletter. These will always be delivered via email and will always be free for you and the customer. Your newsletter should be rich with links directing the customers back to various pages of your site.

As your business grows, one website may not be enough. Customers can become easily overwhelmed by a website with too many links and pages. They may give up before finding what they want. It you are featuring a new product or service, consider creating a secondary website just for it. Link your two websites together on your homepages. The secondary website will also bring your new product or service to the forefront on search engines, rather than having it buried within your existing site.

Maximizing the fluid and inexpensive nature of the internet will be critical to having a successful business. Online marketing has expanded into niche areas:

Hotel Online Marketing & Luxury Hotel Website Design & Marketing

+Tim Capper



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Health & Fitness News | Premier Training International's Official Blog ...

The first trimester (weeks 1-12)
The physiological changes that occur in this period include vascular underfill. Vascular underfill is where the blood vessels expand in width (vasodilate); this naturally occurs to supply sufficient oxygen to the baby. The problem at this stage is that the blood itself has not changed in supply, so the blood volume lags behind, which basically means the blood is slow moving around the body as it has to slowly move through these big vessels whereas before it could flow very quickly and be pumped along nicely.

This lack in blood volume causes our blood pressure to drop considerably because the pressure in the system has been reduced drastically due to these new large vessels and small amounts (in comparison) of blood. Therefore the mum-to-be will feel very tired during this stage and may experience nausea or light-headedness getting up and down quickly, so this has to be taken into account for training purposes.

Mum will also get tired quickly for a second reason. As above we mentioned that blood pressure drops because mum?s heart will want to naturally raise the pressure and supply nutrients through blood to the foetus. It forces the heart to beat harder and faster than usual so, for that reason, mum may feel fatigued relatively quickly.

When exercising in this first trimester my recommendations are:

  • Keep hydrated before, after and especially during session
  • Have plenty of breaks
  • Never exercise to exhaustion, only to exercise failure, when technique becomes inhibited
  • Don't train if you ever feel over tired?listen to the body; it?s a sign to rest.
Here's three good exercises that I recommend in this first trimester - each exercise mum should start with one set of 12 repetitions, and gradually build up to three sets. If mum wants to supplement these resistance exercises with Cardiovascular Training I would recommend just walking or swimming for 20 minutes at a time and gradually increasing the duration.

1.?Step over Squat
This exercise can be done at home using a broomstick across the chest, held in place with the elbows up and out to keep a nice tall posture to look after the back, encourages a good thoracic (upper back) extension, which will help relieve low back pain/stress, and help with good posture.

The exercise focuses primarily on the hips and whilst strengthening butt and legs, its hidden beauty is that it takes the hips into rotation, which allows the pelvis to be strong, free and mobile in its most restricted plane of motion (transverse plane). This will also reduce a lot of lumbar spine torsion or stress.?Fix the left foot on the floor. Take the right foot and step forward and in towards the front foot so it makes a ?T? shape. The whole body should now be facing to the left, apart from your originally fixed left foot.

Now with the right foot step out and behind the body taking it to about 4 o?clock. Imagine your fixed left foot is 12 o?clock, so your right foot comes back and rotates 180 degrees and is now behind and to the right of the body. Once stepped to 4 o?clock squat down as far as feels comfortable, stand up and repeat for 12 repetitions. Repeat on the opposite side but this time with the right foot fixed. When it rotates back it will go to the 8 o?clock position to mirror what we did before for symmetry.

2. Reverse Lunge with Overhead reach
Use body weights or maybe some small hand held items (one in each hand). Now step backwards with the right foot (nice lunge stride back to stretch the hip) landing on the ball of the foot and with the heel up off of the floor. Whilst the step back is being executed simultaneously take both arms straight up and forward over the head to really stretch, load and condition the abdominals and also the generally tight hip flexors that will make mum feel a lot more comfortable when walking, standing in everyday functional tasks. Do 12 repetitions and then change legs repeating the same pattern with the arms going forward and overhead.

3. Press Up with a Twist
Sounds gruelling?but remember it can be regressed if needs be and built up as fitness increases. The most comfortable option would be stood against a wall, arm?s length back with hands shoulder width apart and pressed against said wall.

The next option is down on the floor on all fours, or if you really want to jazz it up and progress intensity full length on the floor with hands under shoulders as you push your upper body off the ground and keep your feet on floor; this time your knees are up and extended into the press up.

Once you?re in the start position take your left leg under the body and as far over to the right as possible and now execute the press up for 12 repetitions. This facilitates a fantastic chain reaction sequence from the floor up into the top of the spine, which gives lots of rotational motion to all joints in the body including the spine, scapula and hips whist, at the same time, achieving the press up?s desired function of working the chest and arm muscles but with the added bonus of huge core/abdominal activation.?Once completed change sides and repeat.

The second trimester (weeks 13-27)
The physiological changes this time are that:
  • The body has now adjusted to vascular underfill and a hormone called Progesterone has communicated with the kidneys to keep fluids, nutrients and salts from being lost so the blood has now caught up and filled the mum?s internal systems to fuel both her and baby with oxygen and nutrients.
  • Blood volume and pressure have now normalised and the Heart Rate is brought back down so energy levels for mum are now generally higher.
  • The new change in this trimester is that a second hormone is released into the mix called Relaxin.
  • Relaxin?s role is to provide laxity and more range of motion to two joints in particular ? the Sacro-Iliac Joint (base of the spine where the pelvis and spine form a joint at the back of the pelvis) and the Pubic Symphysis where the pelvis meets at the front left and right where the baby?s first passage from the mother to the outside world occurs.
  • This is done to aid joint relaxation for the mother to take the stress off the ligaments and joints whilst giving birth.
  • The downside to this is that there is an inherently obvious lack of joint stability, so mum is vulnerable to torsion or even breaks and fractures.
  • This can be combatted by sensible exercise.
  • My recommendations in this phase include no heavy weights, no high impact exercises because of joint laxity and keeping a sensible range of motion.
Recommended exercises for this trimester should be performed three times for 12 repetitions and can be supplemented with light walking and swimming if mum desires.

1. Deadlift Rotation to standing Extension and Rotation
Take a broom onto the top of the chest, keeping elbows up and out again to encourage the lift of the chest and good extension through to the top of the spine. Bending from the hips (not the spine), rotate your right shoulder as close as comfortable down and towards your left knee, pause momentarily and slowly come up and back taking the right shoulder up as high as possible and rotate to the right whilst extending.

This exercise is fantastic for the hips, the butt, the spine and the abdominals - all of which are vital areas of focus and attention for mums.

2. Side step lunge with Lateral side bend
Simply start with feet shoulder width apart and facing forward. Take comfortable steps to your right keeping the lunging foot facing forward and, at the same time, bring your right arm up and over the head towards the left hip. Again, this is fantastic for the same culprits as before (butt, hips, spine and abdominals) but in a different plane of motion. The body moves in three planes and needs to be conditioned in them all.

3. Press Up with Extension
Simply perform a press up but whilst on the decent phase (downward phase) of the exercise, lift your chin and look directly up and forward to a comfortable range for the neck. At the same time lift one leg back and up like a donkey kicking action. Then, as you push up off the floor, look back down with the head and allow the leg to lower down. Remember to swap legs up with every repetition, and perform six on each side (12 in total). This is an excellent core, spine and upper body exercise.

The third trimester (weeks 28-40)
Physiological changes are complete at this stage but it is a time of concern where regular midwife check-ups are advised and things such as high blood pressure and excessive or abnormal foetal growth can be detrimental to both mother and child.

So my advice here is to exercise sensibly, have regular breaks, meet with your midwife as often as possible, avoid exercising in humid/hot conditions, keep hydrated and do not train if tired or lethargic.

66% of women suffer from Diastasis Recti. This is where the abdominal wall splits right down the middle length ways and gets pulled outwards (much like a torn curtain) - this happens to women who do not train and if this occurs it never repairs itself and has been linked with on-going low back pain after the pregnancy.

Exercise suggestions here are again three sets of 12 repetitions, and walking and swimming are permitted.

1. See-Saw to Tuck
On all fours, take your right elbow under the body towards your left knee. Bring the left knee in towards the subsequent right elbow as close as possible to each other and then take both in the opposite direction (forward for the arm and backwards for the leg). Keep high and stretch into both, bringing a nice lengthening into the abdominals and a great spinal extension from the top down through the moving arm and the bottom up through leg lifting. Repeat each side 12 times, slowly and controlled.

2. Mini Step Matrix
Keep your left foot on the floor. With your right foot, step forward as far as feels comfortable and return. Then, step sideways with your right foot, keeping the foot facing forward - step as far as feels ok and return. Then, with the right foot, step and rotate behind the body to a comfortable range and return. This is fantastic for the hips, thighs and buttocks.

3. T rotations
On all fours take the right arm up and rotate behind and up towards the ceiling above the head as far as feels ok and return. Now do the same with the left hand and repeat 12 times on each side. This exercise is great for the spine, abdominals and upper body strength.

The above are recommendations on exercises for each trimester for a pregnant lady who does not go to the gym to do at home. If you are a gym user and want advice seek advice from a qualified Pre/Post Natal Pregnancy Level 3 Trainer.

My recommendations are great for all muscles that aid birth i.e. pelvic floor, abdominals, glutes and hip musculature and those around the spine that control stability and have to deal with the weight of the baby pulling them forward.

They look after joint motion in all three planes, which relieve stress in localised areas such as the low back and spreads and dissipates forces all over turning muscles and keep the mum-to-be functioning and enjoying life and pregnancy to the max.

Having done these exercises, mum is conditioned and fit for pregnancy, whilst pain free and able to enjoy pregnancy. And baby has the safest, most effective passageway into the real world and he/she will have the greatest chance of being born fit and healthy and having the best immune system due to mum?s training and less chance of illness and disease.

Paul Edmondson

Fitness and Nutrition Lecturer and?Trainer


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Useful info on Flood Insurance | Articles For Canada

Some insurance firms are really skeptical about who and where they insure, however not established internet agents. They are going to accept flood insurance as a special case while assessing property risks and then lay down individual terms. It might not be the cheapest insurance around although when it implies you may have a good sleep in the knowledge that in the eventuality of your place being flooded you can lodge a claim so it is actually money wisely spent.

The United Kingdom is suffering more and more from flooded coastal zones, streams breaking their banks and overflowing due to increasing amounts of rainfall including flash floods. Gurus have envisioned a rise in rainfall within the UK during the next decade therefore flood insurance will be more critical than ever before.

Why not check out the UK flood map online to work out if your special property may be at risk from adverse flooding conditions? If so contact credible brokers who can offer flood insurance without any fuss. If your property has been flooded once already, you are worried about flooding to your property or you can't get flood insurance, contact experienced insurance brokers today for a free no-commitment quote. Complete the details and an insurance broker will call you back to chat about your flood insurance necessities.

When you remember that around 300,000 home owners in home areas including businesses have been flooded in the previous few years it makes the issue of purchasing flood insurance all the more important. Flood cover doesn't cost a fortune when purchased from useful brokers, even a small amount of flood damage could cost you serious cash without the right flood insurance in place.

Expert brokers can provide householders with a wide range of flood insurance policies in areas that are susceptible to flooding. They can cover leased properties and vacation houses too as well as being able to offer clients rebates when buying flood insurance and contents insurance mixed.

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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Rental Purchase Agreement For Real Estate ? Approximately ...

Rental Purchase Agreement For Real Estate ? Approximately Important Points You Should Know Prior to signing

Article by Smartbzs

Numerous home owners who wish to deal fair looks at the provided cost of the customer and choose from there if they recycle for cash or otherwise. But there is to a greater extent towards the process than simply getting an offer for the prop. For instance, if a finical contract bridge offers terms where the monetary value could be lowered or even elevated. There numerous elements that certain mustiness anticipates before the transaction shuts.

For example take the actual Lease Purchase contract. This can be a contract bridge much like every other fiscal contract bridge. Basically what happens is the fact that there?s someone who wants to buy the prop but could not decide instantly when the home is one which they really want to buy. What they can offer is a rental purchase agreement in which the potential purchaser first rental prices the home and the proprietor gives them the option to buy it after a sure time period. This type of contract can be beneficial for each ? the dog owner can get a better crack or even the 1 renting could possibly get a cheaper price. For that property in line with the judgment of the bank exactly where they?re getting a home loan mortgage.

Take for example the actual Arles deposit. For the 1 renting, using the rental purchase agreement with the owner, they can invite the Arles inwards payments with the rent that they are make payment on owner. So rather than looking for a lump sum to pay off the actual Arles, they can agree how the master renting price might have an interest which could follow treated as the installation for the earnest money. They can accept maturity inside a sure period of time. The facts can be stipulated in the contract. Then there are the financial contingencies. The one renting could have the option just to walk from the Rental Purchase Agreement if they don?t settle on the final purchase price or the value of the property is a lot lower berth according to the judgment of the bank building.

And last are the review contingencies. The main one renting should find the time associated with rental to actually inspect the home and measure if the rentals are really worth their buying. When they live in it possible out on their own the weak points or even the benefits of the house. When they ought to be defeated, they ought to have the option to walk away according to the fiscal eventuality agreement inside the Lease Purchase Contract.

About the Author

If you like this article and want to read more aboutLease Purchase Agreement Then please visit our website here: Lease Purchase Agreement.


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Grandparents pitch in with cash to help raise grandkids


Grandparents are splurging on gifts for their grandkids, but many also are helping out with necessities.

By Allison Linn

Everyone expects grandparents to splurge on gifts for their grandkids, but a new study finds that in many cases the older generation is also spending money to help their progeny with?basic needs.

About half of all grandparents said they are helping out with their grandchildren?s education expenses, while?37 percent?are helping out with everyday living expenses and 23 percent?with medical or dental expenses, according to a survey?released Wednesday by AARP.

The results were relatively similar to a 2002 survey on the same topic by AARP, which advocates for older Americans.

Forty percent of the grandparents surveyed had spent $500 or more on their grandkids in the past 12 months, although 44 percent said the?economy had affected how much they spend on their grandkids. Many had cut back on gifts, while some said they had had cut back on buying necessities for their grandchildren.

Some grandparents are playing an even more substantial role in helping out Mom and Dad.

About 1 in 10 survey respondents?said they have grandchildren living with them, and four in 10 of those said they are the?primary caregiver for their grandkids.

Even if Grandma or Grandpa are not the primary caregivers, the survey found that 16 percent are providing some child care?while Mom and Dad are at work or school. About half said they just wanted to spend more time with their grandkids, while two in 10 said it was because the parents couldn?t afford alternative child care.

The survey of about 1,900 grandparents age 50 and over was conducted last summer and fall.

How can grandparents best help out their grandkids?


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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

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[ [ [['presume laws are constitutional', 7]], '28747556', '0' ], [ [['has destroyed 15 to 25 houses', 7]], '28744868', '0' ], [ [['short answer is yes', 7]], '28746030', '0' ], [ [['opportunity to tell the real story', 7]], '28731764', '0' ], [ [['entirely respectable way to put off the searing constitutional controversy', 7]], '28723797', '0' ], [ [['point of my campaign is that big ideas matter', 9]], '28712293', '0' ], [ [['As the standoff dragged into a second day', 7]], '28687424', '0' ], [ [['French police stepped up the search', 17]], '28667224', '0' ], [ [['Seeking to elevate his candidacy back to a general', 8]], '28660934', '0' ], [ [['The tragic story of Trayvon Martin', 4]], '28647343', '0' ], [ [['Karzai will get a chance soon to express', 8]], '28630306', '0' ], [ [['powerful storms stretching', 8]], '28493546', '0' ], [ [['basic norm that death is private', 6]], '28413590', '0' ], [ [['songwriter also saw a surge in sales for her debut album', 6]], '28413590', '1', 'Watch music videos from Whitney Houston ', 'on Yahoo! Music', '' ], [ [['keyword', 99999999999999999999999]], 'videoID', '1', 'overwrite-pre-description', 'overwrite-link-string', 'overwrite-link-url' ] ]


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Monday, March 26, 2012

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[ [ [['Witnesses said the gunman pulled up on a black scooter', 7]], '', '[Related: New York police tighten security at Jewish sites]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['test Zimmerman for alcohol or drugs', 11]], '', '[Related: White House says Trayvon Martin is local issue]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['associated with such a small earthquake', 4]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP Photo/Carrie Antlfinger', ], [ [['Fox News host Geraldo Rivera sparked outrage', 3]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP Photo/John Minchillo', ], [ [['The charges signed against Bales include', 1]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '512', ' ', 'AP Photo/DVIDS\, Spc\. Ryan Hallock\, File', ], [ [['George Zimmerman, if I had a son', 6]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP Photo/John Minchillo', ], [ [['Mohamed Merah', 10], ['prosecutor Francois Molins', 5]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'REUTERS/Jean-Paul Pelissier', ], [ [['Shortly after he wrapped up his victory remarks', 2]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP Photo/Steven Senne', ], [ [['best understands the problems of average Americans', 2]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP Photo/Steven Senne', ], [ [['Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery', 7]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AFP', ], [ [['xxxxxxxxxxxx', 11]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP', ] ]

[ [ [['point of my campaign is that big ideas matter', 9]], '28712293', '0' ], [ [['As the standoff dragged into a second day', 7]], '28687424', '0' ], [ [['French police stepped up the search', 17]], '28667224', '0' ], [ [['Seeking to elevate his candidacy back to a general', 8]], '28660934', '0' ], [ [['The tragic story of Trayvon Martin', 4]], '28647343', '0' ], [ [['Karzai will get a chance soon to express', 8]], '28630306', '0' ], [ [['powerful storms stretching', 8]], '28493546', '0' ], [ [['basic norm that death is private', 6]], '28413590', '0' ], [ [['songwriter also saw a surge in sales for her debut album', 6]], '28413590', '1', 'Watch music videos from Whitney Houston ', 'on Yahoo! Music', '' ], [ [['keyword', 99999999999999999999999]], 'videoID', '1', 'overwrite-pre-description', 'overwrite-link-string', 'overwrite-link-url' ] ]


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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Indian Web optimization and Affiliate marketing Business

Mar 25

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Author: Winston Oliva


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Saturday, March 24, 2012

Egypt liberal MPs quit constitution panel vote

Egyptian liberal MPs withdrew on Saturday from a crucial parliament vote for a panel to draft a new constitution amid a rift with Islamists over the constituent assembly's make up, liberals said.

The liberals accused the majority Islamists of trying to monopolise the 100-member panel, whose constitution will replace the one annulled by the ruling military after an uprising toppled president Hosni Mubarak last year.

"All our MPs withdrew," said Naguib Sawiris, founder of the Free Egyptians Party, the largest liberal party in the Islamist-dominated parliament.

"It's ridiculous," he said. "A constitution being written by one force and one force alone. We tried our best and there was no use."

Sawiris said two parties, including his and a coalition of secular and left-leaning parties, withdrew from the vote for the 100-member panel, half of which will be senators and parliamentarians.

Lawmakers are to vote for 50 members from the upper and lower houses of parliament, and 50 people outside parliament to sit on the panel.

According to preliminary results of the vote, published by the official MENA news agency, the panel will include 25 lawmakers affiliated to the Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party, 11 lawmakers from the ultra conservative Salafist Al-Nur party and 14 independents or members of other parties.

The 50 members chosen outside parliament include Islamists, several liberal figures, a handful of Copts and a member of the ruling military council, according to MENA and press reports.

Ahead of the vote, at least two other parties had boycotted the voting from the start, including the leftwing Tagammu party.

"The constitution should not reflect the majority, it should reflect all forces in society," said Rifaat al-Said, the head of Tagammu.

"There is an attempt to posses everything," he said of his party's Islamist opponents. "Possessing the constitution is the most dangerous thing."

Mustafa al-Naggar, head of the Adl (Justice) Party, said parliamentarians should not even be on the panel, which will also include 50 public figures.

"Parliamentarians have a special interest," he said.

The constitution will lay out the powers of the legislature, which Islamists dominated in elections after Mubarak's fall.

According to a schedule established by the military, the panel is meant to finish its work before presidential elections, which now seems unlikely ahead of the vote due to be held in May.

Some presidential candidates fear that could leave the new president without constitutionally defined powers, as the dominant Islamist Freedom and Justice Party angles to give more powers to a prime minister in the new charter.

The FJP, the political arm of the powerful Muslim Brotherhood, has been pressuring the military to sack the cabinet and appoint an FJP-led government.

At Saturday's joint session, which began at noon local time (1000 GMT), the lawmakers were each to list 100 members they want appointed to the panel and then cast their ballots in 14 boxes, parliamentary speaker Saad al-Katatni said.

Liberals fear that the Islamists will try to beef up references to Islam in the new constitution.

The old charter said that the principles of Islamic law were the source of legislation, a vague formulation that hardliners in the ultra-conservative Salafi Nur party want clarified in the new constitution.

But the Muslim Bortherhood's FJP has sought to allay fears that it wants a stricter adherence to Islamic law in the new constitution.

In a comment on his Twitter account, Mohamed ElBaradei, the former UN nuclear watchdog chief turned Egyptian dissident, also questioned parliament's right to form the panel.

"A parliament whose legitimacy is in doubt will elect a panel, half of it from parliament, that is not partial to forming a constitution for Egypt rather than for the (parliamentary) majority," he wrote.


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Food And Drink ? Basics Of Dark Chocolate Benefits

There are a number of dark chocolate benefits you can enjoy and the majority of these benefits are real and not fictional. But before going out and start to eat your Snickers it?ll pay to first consider a couple of things with respect to dark chocolate. To begin with, dark chocolate refers to a chocolate that contains at least sixty-five percent cacao. Though no doctor is going to commend that you eat dark chocolate due to its health benefits, it does however contain a fair quantity of anti-oxidants that will end up being favourable to your fitness ? provided naturally that you consume it in the right demeanour.

One of the notable dark chocolate benefits is that it contains very little of sugar and since it also contains antioxidants you can at least be assured that when you eat dark chocolate you will get rid of free radicals which are the things that cause a person to age prematurely. Another of many dark chocolate benefits that you must become mindful of is that dark chocolate provides help in bringing down the levels of bad cholesterol oxidization and it also decreases the prospects of going through blood clots.

The main reason why a person will get to enjoy dark chocolate benefits is because the dark chocolate contains flavonoids which are ketones that are usually found in the stem, leaves and seeds of diverse plants. Flavonoids for their part are a part of a grouping of anti oxidising compounds that are called polyphenols that in turn help an individual to enjoy sounder health.

Otherwise, there?s another dark chocolate benefit in that that there?s hardly any of milk in the dark chocolate mix and this suggests that the flavonoids get correctly absorbed in the body.

On the other hand there is also a downside to dark chocolates and these needs to be addressed as well. There is always a worry that by eating dark chocolates you could suffer from migraine attacks. Among the major dark chocolate benefits that?ve been identified you can include lower blood pressure, lowering levels of bad cholesterol, making ladies more keen, containing serotonin that helps to improve the mood and wards off depression and eventually, it increases production of endorphin that in turn causes someone to feel more enjoyable.

One not so obvious dark chocolate benefits is that an item such as dark chocolate fudge can also make for an excellent gift that can be given to someone you would like to get to know a bit better. Not only does it help make an inexpensive gift, but it is sure to be also well appreciated by the receiver.

It isn?t difficult to get carried away with the various dark chocolate benefits though as with each good thing it?s also mandatory to make sure that moderation be the key. It is always a good idea to ensure that you eat only as much as is good for your needs and not over indulge your sweet tooth and risk frittering away whatever benefits is there to be had.


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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

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Monday, March 19, 2012

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Sunday, March 18, 2012

Ready to Improve Yourself? Attend A Small Business Event

Welcome to our guide of events for small business owners and entrepreneurs ? this latest edition covers the Spring and into the Summer, 2012:

* * * * *

2012 Ohio Business Matchmaker
March 20-21, 2012, Dayton, OH

The Ohio Business Matchmaker 2012 event is a unique opportunity for exhibitors, purchasing agents (buyers), trainers, and small business owners (suppliers of goods and services) to come together.

More than 1,300 small business owners who represent small, minority, service-disabled veteran-owned, veteran-owned, HUBZone, women-owned businesses, and approximately 250 purchasing representatives from city, state, county, and federal agencies will be participating this year. Prime contractors and other organizations with a combined purchasing budget representing hundreds of millions of dollars in opportunities will attend as well.

In addition to one-on-one matchmaking meetings, this event will offer exhibitors networking opportunities and workshops covering current topics vital to small business success such as Selling to the Government, Doing Business with Federal Government Prime Contractors, SBA Policy Updates, and Surety Bonding.


Give Me 5 101: Introduction to Federal Procurement and a Guide to Central Contractor Registration
March 21, 2012

Small businesses are in a prime position to grow through government procurement because the federal government is required to spend 23% with small firms, including 5% with women-owned firms. In this one-hour session, Give Me 5 instructor Gloria Larkin, President of TargetGov, will provide insights on the tremendous opportunity women business owners have in federal contracting as well as information on how to register on the Central Contractor Registration ? the first critical step in doing business with Uncle Sam. Gloria will also address how to build your SBA profile after registration.


Crain?s 9th Annual Small Business Forum
March 21, 2012, Chicago

Today?s fast-paced communications as well as very high customer service expectations create challenging times for small business owners. Attend Crain?s Small Business Forum to hear a panel of women business owners discuss building their company reputation, expanding their community and opportunities for growth.


Manta Tweet Chat: 10 Tools Every Small Business Owner Should Know
March 22, 2-3pm EDT, 2012. Online

This chat will feature Dell experts giving tips and advice on the ten tools every small business owner can use to run their businesses more efficiently.

Don?t know what a tweet chat is?
Visit the Manta blog to find out what it is and how to participate.
Hashtag: #MantaSMB


Social Tech ?12
March 29-30, 2012, Seattle

Social media marketing is no longer an option for B2B?it?s an absolute necessity. Luckily, we?ve got you covered with over 25 of the leading experts who will teach you how to use social media marketing to generate more inbound leads, grow brand awareness, drive conversions, and increase revenue. You?ll meet with industry insiders as well as other B2B marketers to discuss best practices, winning techniques, current roadblocks, and find out what works for your business!


Infusioncon 2012
April 2-4, Phoenix, AZ

Get ready to learn, network and set new ideas in motion! Join hundreds of small businesses from all around the world at InfusionCon 2012, Infusionsoft?s annual user conference, and experience three days of idea sharing and inspiration in beautiful Phoenix, Arizona on April 2-4.


Innovation Uncensored
April 18, 2012, New York City

Where provocative thinkers collide and engage in meaningful, unexpected conversations. At this event, participants from various industries are charged with sharing smart techniques and exploring the next generation of innovative ideas that are shaping our world.


Vator Spark
May 1, 2012, Berkeley, CA

Vator is introducing Vator Spark, a series of master classes on innovative and disruptive topics relevant to succeeding as a technology entrepreneur. Vator Spark is a full-day, high-energy and accelerated class designed to give entrepreneurs the right knowledge platform, best practices and tools to succeed. The topic for the first Vator Spark is: ?Got Game? How to Gamify Your Start-up?.


New York XPO for Business 2012
May 2-3, 2012, New York City

On May 2-3, 2012, business leaders from across New York will gather at the world famous Jacob K. Javits Convention Center for the 7th Annual New York XPO for Business. This highly acclaimed business event is expected to draw upwards of 10,000 attendees and over 200 exhibitors as the largest business-to-business marketplace in the region. Education will be offered throughout the day and will include over 40 quality information sessions covering sales, marketing, advertising, business growth, best business practices, social media and much more! You?ll be able to identify the latest products and services to meet your competitive challenges and discover the keys to financial success and stability.

Use promo code Smallbiz10 for $10 off any admission package


Content Marketing Strategies Conference
May 8-9, 2012, Berkeley, CA

The Content Marketing Strategies Conference ( provides companies of any size a step-by-step systematic approach to developing a complete Content Marketing program that masters the content marketing life cycle: Strategize, Create, Curate, Manage, Distribute, and Analyze.

Subject experts will address topics along the life cycle. Day one kicks-off with insight into how to get started within each step. Day two, through a series of case studies, digs deep into successful companies like Dell, HP, ServiceMax, Kelly Services, SAS and more who have created successful content marketing programs.

By the end of the conference, you will walk away with a complete understanding of how to get started in content marketing or improve upon your existing initiatives. readers receive $50 off with promo code SMBIZTECH


Internet Week New York
May 14-21, 2012

Since 2008, Internet Week has taken place all over the city, thanks to our many partners hosting diverse events in different locations.The result is a critical mass of web-focused events that raises the profile of NYC?s industry as a whole, as well as the partners who participate. Just like in 2010 and 2011, Internet Week NY HQ will be home to stages, classrooms, lounges, installations, and more. With 20,000 more square feet of Digital Playground as well as Conference Theater?Internet Week HQ at 82 Mercer is poised to be the best yet.


Confab: The Content Strategy Conference
May 14-16, 2012, Minneapolis

Deep dives. Conceptual discussions. Practical application. Whether you?re a seasoned content vet or new to the game, Confab has something for you. You?re sure to walk away with not only new insights and discoveries, but also the ability to actually DO something with them. A mixed agenda format will offer attendees a variety of ways to engage with and employ the innovative ideas that come from the scintillating content and unexpected environment.

The event content is aimed toward anyone who thinks of themselves as an innovative business leader including but not limited to the fields of technology, design, marketing, entertainment, venture capitalism, energy, infrastructure, non-profits and brand executives.


America?s Small Business Summit 2012
May 21-23, 2012, Washington, DC

US Chamber Small Business Summit

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce?s annual event ? America?s Small Business Summit ? unites small business owners, managers, and entrepreneurs from across the country to learn, network, and discuss common legislative and management concerns. Past speakers include former President George W. Bush, General Stanley McChrystal, Small Business Editor of the WSJ Colleen DeBaise, and many more. Attendees help influence our nation?s economic and political agenda by advocating for pro-business policies through the Rally on the Hill portion of the program. The event will take place at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, D.C., on May 21-23, 2012. For more information and important dates, check the Summit website,


8th Annual Kentucky Innovation and Entrepreneurship Conference
June 1, 2012, Louisville, KY

The Annual Kentucky Innovation and Entrepreneurship Conference (8th KIEC) will bring together distinguished speakers, tech-based economic development practitioners, researchers, innovators, entrepreneurs, students and postdoctoral fellows.

The conference will focus on growing local initiatives powered by science and engineering talent.


CT Business Expo
June 7, 2012, Hartford, CT

The 2012 CT Business Expo offers free educational seminars hosted by industry elite speakers and trainers. All of the educational seminars will be held in custom built classrooms on the show floor. Four educational tracks include Sales, Marketing, Technology and Management.


2012 Veteran Entrepreneur Training Symposium
June 11-14, 2012, Reno, NV

Designed by Veteran small business owners for Veteran small business owners, VETS2012 brings government agencies, industry leaders and Veteran entrepreneurs together in a small, intimate forum to discuss the questions you need answered.


The New York Enterprise Report 2012 Small Business Awards
October 10, 2012, New York City

The New York Enterprise Report Small Business Awards is the annual awards program honoring the achievements and accomplishments of the 500,000+ small businesses throughout the tri-state area. Now in its 7th year, the Awards gala attracts more than 400 business owners and executives and is often referred to as ?the networking event of the year.? Don?t miss the chance to do business with the ?who?s who? of the New York small business community.


To find more small business events, contests and awards, visit the Small Business Events Calendar.

If you are putting on a small business event or contest, and want to get the word out, please submit it through our Events & Contests Submission Form (it?s free). Only events of interest to small business people, freelancers and entrepreneurs will be included.

Brought to you as a community service by Small Business Trends and

About the Author

Laura Leites Laura Leites is managing editor of SmallBizTechnology. In addition to writing about technology tools for SMBs, Laura manages the day-to-day operations of She also produces their live and virtual events, including the Taste of Technology Small Business Series.



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Cuba, Mexico pose different tests of pope's mettle

MEXICO CITY (AP) ? For his first visit to Spanish-speaking Latin America, Pope Benedict XVI has chosen the region's most Roman Catholic country -- and its least.

In Catholic Mexico, towns throw parties for their patron saints, pilgrims prostrate themselves at shrines and many people still cross themselves every time they pass a church. In Cuba, abortions are legal and many adults have been divorced more often than they've been to Mass.

Cuba's churches are mostly empty and until the 1990s, believers were barred from the Communist Party.

What the two countries on the pope's weeklong itinerary share is a disaffection with a German pontiff known as a staid academic who is uncomfortable with Latin America's mix of Catholicism and popular mysticism, and its legions of unsanctioned saints.

For many Catholics, the papal visit to Mexico starting March 23 is long overdue, given that it has more Catholics than any other Spanish-speaking country.

In Cuba, the trip is seen as the Vatican's recognition of the church's work nudging the Communist government to release political prisoners and institute economic reforms. That effort has given the church an outsized political role, despite the fact that practicing Catholics make up only 10 percent of the population.

In both nations, there is hope that Pope Benedict's visit will close an alarming distance between the Vatican and a region shaped by Catholicism.

"In seven years as pontiff he has never visited Hispanic America," said Bernardo Barranco, a specialist in contemporary Catholicism at the Center for Religious Studies in Mexico. "The pope has shown a clear preference for Europe."

The biggest challenge for Benedict is that he is not John Paul II.

Devotion still runs high for the pope's predecessor, who honored Mexico by making it his first trip outside the Vatican and coming back four more times. He is known as "Mexico's pope." Recently a glass case containing his blood (one of the relics of his beatification) traveled throughout Mexico for 91 days and is said to have been seen by 27 million people.

John Paul had an age advantage; he was 58 when he first came here, while Benedict is turning 85 next month.

Still, the difference in atmosphere is inescapable. The papal souvenirs and promotions that preceded John Paul have yet to materialize for Benedict's trip. The hilltop "Christ the King" monument in Guanajuato, where the pope arrives Friday, displays only a few Benedict key chains.

"We believed in John Paul II, but Benedict, no. We know he exists, but we don't feel him," said Noemi Huerta at a celebration for St. Jude, the apostle, that overwhelms a church in central Mexico City every month. "That's because he has rejected us a little. He keeps us at arm's length."

Nor is he a fan of pseudo saints like Santa Muerte, or "Holy Death," condemned by the church but adored by drug traffickers and other criminals. The skeletal saint's statuettes have since become more popular, now sold in Mexican street markets and found in meth labs. "La Flaquita," or skinny saint, is thought to protect outlaws and help in matters of love, money, and illness.

Benedict has urged the purging of such practices in favor of a more "pure" kind of Catholicism, a notion he is also pushing in Europe, the region he has visited most and where the church has declared a crisis in faith.

The pope did come to this hemisphere twice before ? to Brazil in 2007 and the U.S. in 2008. He visited Africa in 2009.

R. Andrew Chesnut, chairman of Catholic studies at Virginia Commonwealth University, said the Vatican has poorly handled the erosion of Catholicism in Latin America.

"He really should have been visiting Latin America more than any place on Earth," Chesnut said.

Though the continent still boasts half the world's Catholics, their numbers are falling. The percentage of believers in Brazil and Mexico are at their lowest levels since the second half of the 19th century, dropping to 68 percent of Brazil's population and 84 percent of Mexico's, and some estimate the percentage is much lower.

In Cuba, where he arrives March 26, Benedict's message will be "Christian love, reconciliation and unity among Cubans," according to Monsignor Jose Felix Perez, assistant secretary of the Conference of Catholic Bishops of Cuba.

But the pope is also expected to push for permission to open religious schools and build or refurbish churches and seminaries, and while he is unlikely to win any immediate concessions he will be visiting a society where religious practice is steadily evolving.

John Paul II's 1998 visit followed reforms that eliminated references to atheism from the constitution, accepted believers as Communist Party members, and declared Christmas a holiday. Benedict will also seek more air time for the church on state-controlled TV and radio. In one possible hint of change to come, authorities Tuesday allowed Cuba's Roman Catholic cardinal, Jaime Ortega, to go on TV and tell the nation about Benedict's visit.

While congregations may not be growing, the church's influence is. Ortega participated in 2010 in the negotiations for the release of political prisoners. Authorities have allowed religious processions, and President Raul Castro attended the inauguration of a new seminary in 2010.

"The church is inserting itself in the future of Cuba and preparing for a future without the Castros," said Enrique Lopez Oliva, associate professor of History of Religions University of Havana. "This visit will reinforce that as well."

But Benedict cannot insulate himself entirely from politics. Days before his arrival, 13 dissidents occupied a Havana church and demanded the pope mediate with the Cuban government to resolve their grievances. They were evicted peacefully with the cardinal's approval and the Holy See's endorsement, Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi told reporters in Rome.

Benedict is also expected to denounce the U.S. embargo on Cuba as John Paul II did on his visit, when he said it hurts the neediest.

The Vatican reiterated Friday that Benedict feels "able to take on serious duties even given his age and his strength," but confirmed that doctors had advised him against going to places above 2,000 meters (6,500 feet) in altitude. That rules out a visit to Mexico City, the capital.

The pope will land in Guanajuato just days before Mexico's presidential campaign officially kicks off.

Here, many see the visit as a nod to the National Action Party, which has very close ties to the Catholic Church and is up against voter discontent after 12 years of rule. The Institutional Revolutionary Party, or PRI, is poised to take back the presidency it held for 71 years, with candidate Josefina Vazquez Mota urging voters to go to Mass first, vote second.

The faithful are watching to see how Benedict will handle the worst church sex scandal in Mexican history, and new revelations of abuse allegedly committed by the Rev. Marcial Maciel, founder of the powerful Legion of Christ religious order.

Before he became pope, Cardinal Ratzinger reopened an investigation in 2004 into a history of allegations that Macial had sexually abused boys for decades. John Paul II had been a close friend of Maciel's and had referred to him as model clergy.

And it was Benedict who retired Maciel to a life of prayer and penance in 2006. Maciel died in 2008 at 87.

In 2010, a woman came forward to say she had two children with Maciel and adopted a third, and that he abused two of the three. That year the Vatican issued the results of its investigation, and began to reform the order, which acknowledged wrongdoing.

On some of his trips Benedict has met with victims of sexual abuse by priests, but such meetings are never announced in advance.

Bishop Victor Rene Rodriguez, general secretary of the Mexican bishops' conference, said Benedict's handling of the scandal proves he is the right pope for the right time "because of the depth of his teachings and his courage to face the problems of the church."

Still, the comparisons to John Paul are sure to continue, and the passage of time will be clear from the photo ops ? John Paul with Fidel Castro, the bearded revolutionary, and 14 years later two pragmatic octogenarians named Pope Benedict XVI and Raul Castro.


Associated Press writer E. Eduardo Castillo reported this story in Mexico City and Andrea Rodriguez reported in Havana. AP writers Adriana Gomez Licon in Mexico City, Katherine Corcoran in Guanajuato, Mexico, and Victor Simpson and Daniella Petroff in Rome contributed to this report.


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